Mobile Web

The mobile web refers to mobile browser-based World Wide Web services accessed from handheld mobile devices, such as smartphones or feature phones, through a mobile or other wireless network.

UX Design

User experience (UX) design is the process of building products that are useful, easy, and enjoyable for people to use. UX considers every interaction a user has with a product or service, and optimizes it.

Video Tutorials

Video tutorials can be broadly defined as asynchronous instructional videos (often screencasts, but also animation or live-action footage) providing step-by-step guidance for specialized activities.

Easy Deployments

Deploying a website means that changes you have made to your website, typically code, from source control to an environment (typically development, staging, or live).

Cloud Storage

What Does Cold Storage Mean? In general, cold storage in IT means keeping data or other items at rest, or in a less accessible part of a system.


Website Infrastructure means the servers, networks, and other underlying infrastructure supporting the Website.